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The Heating and Cooling Provider of Choice for Omaha’s Downtown Businesses

Cordia Omaha provides energy-efficient and environmentally sound district heating and cooling for the central business district of Omaha, including Woodman Tower, Creighton University, and the Joslyn Art Museum. Its customer base includes more than 70 percent of all other public and commercial buildings in the downtown area. The system’s steam and chilled water service maintains a 99.99% reliability record.

The system leverages a variety of conventional fuels, depending on which is most cost-competitive at a given time, and incorporates cogeneration technology — a highly efficient combination of heat and mechanical power — to reduce the amount of energy lost up the smokestack. This technology and fuel flexibility keeps costs down, preserves natural resources, and reduces emissions compared to traditional heating and cooling equipment.

System Profile

Icon of circles branching out from a bigger circle

system Type

District Energy – Steam and Chilled Water

Total Capacity

675,000 lbs/hr steam, 28,000 tons chilled water


6,000-ft steam distribution system, 6,000-ft chilled water distribution system

Notable Customers

  • Creighton University
  • Orpheum Theatre
  • Joslyn Art Museum
  • Hruska Federal Courthouse
  • First National Bank of Omaha
  • World Herald’s Freedom Center
  • CHI Health Center Arena
  • Hilton Omaha
  • Woodman Tower
  • Omaha Public Schools
  • Boy’s Town Research Hospital
  • City County Building Data Center
  • Federal Reserve
  • First National Tower
  • Douglas County Hall of Justice
  • Omaha Hilton
  • Capitol District Hotel
  • Omaha Police Headquarters

Contact Us

To learn more about our company and our services, fill out this form. We’re excited to hear from you.

  • Cordia Omaha
    2152 Howard Street
    Omaha, NE 68102

Birds eye view of the united states of america at night

Other Networks

Each of our systems is optimized to serve its end users’ needs and move closer toward their goals.