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Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report


A word from our CEO and an overview of Cordia

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Environmental Responsibility

GHG emissions, renewable, water conservation

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Social Responsibility

Employees, DEI, social benefits

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ELT, ESG governance, ethics, etc.

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ESG Governance

We take our commitment to ESG seriously and believe strong governance is critical to our success. Our Chief ESG Officer, Randy Johnson, is accountable for our ESG charter, ESG performance, and oversight of a cross-functional ESG team that includes representatives from across the organization. This team identifies material ESG topics and develops initiatives with actions, targets, resources, and KPIs.

Our Board of Directors and our dedicated ESG team provide oversight that our ESG initiatives are aligned with our mission, values, and operating principles by conducting an annual review of material ESG topics, our ESG strategy, and our targets, and a subsequent review of our ESG strategy is completed by the Board of Directors.

In addition, our Board is updated quarterly on our ESG performance, and we conduct ongoing reviews of ESG performance in various weekly and monthly meetings to help our ESG team adhere to our commitment to our beliefs in communications and accountability.

Our strong ESG governance and oversight and our commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility will help us achieve our vision of becoming the leading provider of sustainable and reliable energy solutions to our customers and communities.

Ethics & Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct is not just a set of rules and regulations but a reflection of our commitment to sustainability, ethical business practices, and corporate social responsibility. Our Code of Conduct is a guide that translates our core beliefs and values into the standards of behavior we expect from one another providing guidance on solving problems, finding answers, and communicating within our organization.

Our commitment to ESG initiatives is rooted in our values, which guide our ethical decision making and are the foundation of our culture. We are proud to uphold high ethical and environmental standards, and we expect our employees, suppliers, contractors, and consultants to share and act consistently with our Code of Conduct.

Our Code of Conduct is a testament to our commitment to building a better and more sustainable future for our planet and future generations. By making every choice with integrity, in furtherance of our mission, and based on our values and beliefs, we can drive innovation, improve efficiency, and strengthen our relationships.

Safety Protocols
Ethics Hotline
Corporate & Environment Protection Practices
Fair Employment Practices
Employee Integrity Policies
Leadership Practices

Supplier & Contractor Responsibility

Cordia employee maintaining pipes

Partnering with Suppliers and Contractors for ESG Excellence

We believe in protecting the planet and creating workplaces that are free from discrimination. To align ourselves with this core value, we are taking a comprehensive approach to supplier and contractor management so our partners aim to share our commitment to ESG and corporate social responsibility.

Our initiative establishes processes and tools that enable us to evaluate our suppliers and contractors, tracking that their philosophies align with our ESG goals. This initiative reflects our commitment to corporate citizenship and extensive ESG practices throughout our entire supply chain.

By aligning ourselves with suppliers and contractors who share our beliefs and values, we can create a more sustainable future for everyone.

Supplier and Contractor Responsibility Initiative

Our Approach

At Cordia, we believe that conducting business responsibly and sustainably is essential for our success and the success of our suppliers and contractors. Therefore, we have established processes and tools to help our suppliers and contractors align with our ESG and corporate social responsibility strategies. We partner with suppliers and contractors who share our beliefs and have proven philosophies and processes regarding ESG.

By aligning ourselves with like-minded partners, we can intend that all upstream and downstream actions, philosophies, and operations support the elements of our ESG program.

Key Actions

To achieve our objectives, Cordia has established the
following critical actions:

  • Implement Cordia’s Responsible Contractor Framework (RCF)
  • Establish a comprehensive supplier code of conduct and policies that align with our ESG goals
  • Create vendor management policies and to pre-qualify all suppliers and contractors
  • Create an onboarding process and evaluation matrix to track compliance with the RCF

Responsible Contractor Framework

The Responsible Contractor Framework (RFC) encourages the selection of Responsible Contractors who provide safe, fair, and just working conditions for their employees. By implementing this Framework, we are not only contributing to our broader ESG goals but also promoting positive social and environmental impacts in the communities where we invest. Cordia is committed to monitoring the implementation of the Framework and continually improving our ESG practices to create long-term value.


The RFC is designed to encourage the selection of Responsible Contractors to help aid the provision of safe, fair, and just working conditions for employees of contractors.


  • Maintain a list of contracts and associated contractors
  • Perform annual audits to track contractor compliance
  • Certify each Responsible Contractor at the time of new, extensions, replacement, or renewal of any contracts

Responsible Contractor Framework


  • Pay fair working wage
  • Provide fair benefits
  • Be certified as and use subcontractors certified as Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises
  • Provide employer-paid health and safety training to its employees to ensure its employees have the skills and legal certifications to perform work safely
  • Use products and materials with third-party certifications pertaining to environmental sustainability, where feasible


  • Observes and has policies and procedures to ensure observance of all applicable local, state, and federal laws
  • Has policies in place to diligently monitor employee health and safety to ensure safe operations
  • Must communicate to subcontractors the requirements and recommendations, where applicable
worker pushing buttons on a machine

Contractor Safety Program

Cordia’s Contractor Safety Program is designed to assist in the safety of our contractors while they work at our facilities. We take the safety of our employees, contractors, and the community very seriously and strive to maintain a safe working environment.

Cordia’s Contractor Safety Program helps to communicate with all contractors and their employees, so they are aware of and adhere to our safety policies, minimizing the risk of accidents and injuries. The program also helps us maintain a safe working environment for our employees.

Our Contractor Safety Program is integral to our safety management system and reflects our dedication to maintaining a safe working environment.

  • “Zero Tolerance Rules”

Contractor liaisons are required to:

  • Walkdown contractor jobs on a regular basis.
  • Observe contractors in the work environment to assure safety performance meets expectations
  • Routinely review contractor job briefings and housekeeping standards
  • Know the safety policies and expectations to enforce the Zero Tolerance Rules. Stop work when necessary

On-site orientations are required

  • Site-specific safety requirements are communicated at site orientations. Contractors must be re-oriented on-site expectations every 12 months

Major construction work may require specific safety plans

  • Contractors must submit detailed written plans for approval by Cordia before beginning work on-site

Cyber and Data Security

Man looking at his computer

Cordia’s Commitment to Cybersecurity and Data Responsibility

Cordia recognizes that cybersecurity and data responsibility are critical components of our business operations. To seek the highest level of protection for our customers and our organization, we have established an initiative to reduce our internal risk score through ongoing assessments and training.

We aim to increase customer confidence in protecting their information and maintaining a strong partnership with them. By implementing a data responsibility strategy and policy, we intend to meet the highest standards for cybersecurity in the industry.

Cybersecurity and Data Responsibility Initiative

Our Approach

At Cordia, we take a proactive approach to cybersecurity to protect the safety and security of our systems, data, and property. Our team is implementing a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity, which includes user training, vulnerability and risk assessments, and regular policy reviews. In addition, we have created an internal risk-scoring matrix that considers technical debt, compliance, training/awareness, and stress testing to assess current and future cybersecurity risks and performance.

Key Actions

To achieve our objectives, Cordia has established the
following critical actions:

  • Creating an internal risk scoring matrix and KPIs
  • Conducting ongoing user training and phishing campaigns
  • Establishing a data responsibility strategy and policy
  • Conducting quarterly vulnerability and annual risk assessments

Cybersecurity KPIs

Cordia evaluates the health of the organization’s cyber risk by utilizing a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) that provide insights into different areas of the IT environment.

The cybersecurity KPIs that are monitored calculate an overall Risk Score. By monitoring these KPIs on a regular basis, Cordia hopes to get a comprehensive view of the organization’s cyber risk and make informed decisions to improve its overall security posture.

Graphic showing a bubble with the words "Risk Score". Attached are four boxes that say: Technical Debt, Suspicious Email Training, Framework Compliance, and Vulnerability Assessment


A word from our CEO and an overview of Cordia

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Environmental Responsibility

GHG emissions, renewable, water conservation

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Social Responsibility

Employees, DEI, social benefits

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